Victoria Park Traffic Lights: consultation needed

On Sunday (23rd July), over 30 people signed a petition to support an official complaint to the Glasgow city council that the consultation process to improve pedestrian safety at the Victoria Park mini roundabouts junction was not completed before work began.

This followed a meeting last week (21st July) attended by a councillor. The outcome was Councillor Eunis Jassemi is supporting local residents that the 4 way traffic lights work should be stopped immediately and the consultation process be completed.

Everyone wants to see improvements made to pedestrian safety.

Everyone wants to see traffic calming measures be put in place at this junction. 

However, the Council’s decision appears to have been fast tracked and has not considered a number of factors which will be detrimental to local residents, pedestrians, cyclists and drivers who pass through this junction on their daily commmute.

Traffic is busy in the morning and late afternoon rush hours but we should try and avoid unnecessary congestion at other times.

We want to avoid queueing as impatient drivers have already started to use Essex Drive, Mitre Road and their respective lanes. No one wants pedestrian safety to become an issue on these quieter roads.

Please give your support to this petition so work is halted and measures to upgrade the mini roundabouts are appropriate and in proportion to the objective.

Many thanks


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