Dog Dragged to Death

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Dog Dragged to Death.



2012-06-18 02:55

This is beyond horrific...Make the laws stiffer and the fines and times in jail longer, and hire specific forces just to deal with animal cruelty in Asia, and make juristdictions interchangeable so criminals cannot escape across state lines or country borders.



2012-06-18 03:23

Lock these terrible murderers up and throw away the key.



2012-06-18 03:25

omg there is no reason for this at all. maybe the driver should be tied to the bumper and drug down the road......this is so sad



2012-06-18 03:47

This is a despicable thing to do to a innocent animal. This is one of God's creatures and he/she does not deserve this inhumane treatment. Furthermore, only a punk would treat an innocent pet in this way. A real man would treat an animal with love and kindness. He has only proved he is not a man for having committed this crime, and he deserves to stay in jail much longer than the maximum sentence. The one year jail term is not enough of a punishment for this horrendous crime. This is animal cruelty in its worst form, and I am not afraid to speak out against hatred and cruelty against innocent animals.



2012-06-18 03:58

There BETTER be some jail time given to these people or maybe give them the same treatment back. That is horrifying and no dog should EVER be dragged!!!!!!!!!!! Whats wrong with these IDIOTS!!



2012-06-18 04:10

The inhumanity of man...appalling and horrific!!



2012-06-18 04:17

There are demons among us. The direct torture of any animal or human is acceptable. These individuals must be found and punished for this crime. When the day of death arrives may these demons fall in the depths of hell.



2012-06-18 05:17

this picture turns my stomach,suck a vile race.i cant believe people driving in other cars,just drive past like its a normal thing.why would u drag a dog to death? why own a pet if u have hate towards them?why do this act if it is to deal with stray dogs.these people are alien breed...ALIEN!!!



2012-06-18 05:18

this poor dog died for stupidity throw them in jail and throw away the key



2012-06-18 05:20

That is totally appalling. I hope they catch the people responsible and give them maximum sentence. Why would anyone do such a terrible thing? The people responsible are monsters and should be locked up.



2012-06-18 05:23

This person needs to go to jail.



2012-06-18 05:37

This is the most horrific thing I have ever witnessed and anyone doing this should be punished serverely!


#538 Re:

2012-06-18 05:39

#5: -




2012-06-18 06:06

People this is one petition that HAS to be signed. We cannot and will not allow these cruel people to get away with this.....PLease sign and share



2012-06-18 06:22

How can people be so cruel? These animals trust us, depend on us for their existence and then they are treated like this, dragged behind a car...can you imagine the pain this poor dog went through..maybe they should do the same thing to the person that dragged the dog, tie the person to the back of the car and drag him/her for a distance to see the pain they put this poor dog through...



2012-06-18 06:31

There is no place on this earth for people like this! This is unacceptable! 1 year in prison for this crime is NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!



2012-06-18 06:32

Do we wonder why USA hates Korea???? I hope the people responsible are severely punished.....



2012-06-18 06:41

I hope this petition works... Although 1 year is not enough penalty for such a horrible act. I hope this person rots in hell!



2012-06-18 07:11

People who abuse animals are nasty and sick! They need more than a slap on the hand! Throw the book at them that all life is important and they have no right to cause such pain and agony to innocent animals. What's next with them...children???



2012-06-18 07:22

Absolutley HORRIBLE!!!!!!!! Karma will get them if the police don't!



2012-06-18 07:54

This is horrible... RIP little dog


#547 Re:

2012-06-18 07:55

#545: -

Yep and sometimes Karma works in a most mysterious and unbelievable way in coming back at those who intentionally hurt others or animals



2012-06-18 11:21




2012-06-18 11:54

why didnt anyone stop this,barbaric and souless



2012-06-18 13:46

Horrible person doing a terrible act!