I love the new look of the Farmers Block, let's keep going without a costly redesign of George Street!

I'm sick and tired of the populist politicians in Dunedin continually banging on about how the council 'ignored a petition of 6,500 people who wanted to keep George St two way'. Everyone I speak to, even those that were previously not keen on the idea of the Totally Georgeous revamp of George St, have told me how much they like the new look and feel of the newly updated Farmers Block. Sentiment has changed about the project since that previous petition was launched and now that people are able to see the tangible results, even the creator of that previous petition has acknowledged how good the updated streetscape looks. There's more space, more freedom to roam, easier access to shops, massively improved access for our disable community. What's not to love? My goal is to collect 10,000 signatures that simply say 'I think it looks Totally Georgeous, keep going as per the original detailed business case'

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