Keep the O'Neill's Road Pedestrian Level Rail Crossing Open!

Dear Swanson Community,

We are asking for you to show your support by signing this petition, as we lobby Auckland Transport (AT) to keep the O'Neill's Road Pedestrian Level Rail Crossing open, and make it safer!

If you were unaware, AT have a plan to close this crossing completely as part of new railway development.

Safety is our major concern with the closure of this crossing.

AT have identified other routes that can be used in place of the O'Neill's crossing however, these have many busy roads, driveways and car park crossings which are far more dangerous.

Why should the O' Neill's crossing remain open?

a) It is currently the safest walking route for children and their families on the south side of the tracks who attend Swanson School and Pineapples Daycare. (And could be made even safer with improvements to the crossing)

b) It encourages people to walk to local Swanson events and keeps us connected to one another. Having the ability to use this crossing on foot, reduces vehicle congestion and emissions in our community.

Please sign this petition if you agree that Auckland Transport needs to reconsider closing this crossing and ensure that our community has safe options for getting to Swanson School, Pineapples Daycare and the areas directly east of Swanson Village.

(Information on what AT is planning can be found here (although no recent updates have been made to this page):

If you have more information or would like to further contribute to this cause please email us at the following email address:Screenshot_2023-04-29_at_3.24_.04_PM_1.png

We appreciate that there may be some members of the community that feel differently about the closure of this crossing and of course we'd love to hear your views too. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this petition.

Kindest Regards,

Sacha Screenshot_2023-04-29_at_3.05_.47_PM_.png






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