Most recent petitions in New Zealand

  • Country: New Zealand
  • Language: English

Should Mark McGowan be removed from office?

4791 Created: 2021-12-24 Statistics

Petition to Kaipara District Council to consider CCTV installations at Mangawhai Beach for safety concerns

66 Created: 2021-12-11 Statistics

Fibre for Polo Prince

39 Created: 2021-12-07 Statistics

No vaccine mandate for kids under 12.

12 Created: 2021-12-03 Statistics


681 Created: 2021-11-25 Statistics

The Call to dissolve the current Government of NZ & call a snap election.

51 Created: 2021-11-15 Statistics

Make Transgender Healthcare more accessible in NZ

15 Created: 2021-11-15 Statistics

Change the zoning of Paenoa Te Akau from Rural to Residential by amending the Maori Purposes Act that made it Rural

63 Created: 2021-11-09 Statistics

Stop the Stench! Cover Seaview Wastewater Treatment Plant

278 Created: 2021-11-07 Statistics

Stop the violation of section 18 in New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990

213 Created: 2021-11-06 Statistics

Teachers! Please protect children by opposing the introduction of masks in primary schools.

325 Created: 2021-11-04 Statistics

Opposing the Burswood change of route for Eastern Busway, Pakuranga to Botany - new draft route through Burswood.

548 Created: 2021-11-03 Statistics

Share the road NZ

55 Created: 2021-10-27 Statistics

A local skid pad for new plymouth

236 Created: 2021-10-24 Statistics

Petition against the petition to remove "Hilary" Barry from our airwaves

10 Created: 2021-10-07 Statistics

Prosecute Brian Tamaki for breaching public health order.

254 Created: 2021-10-02 Statistics

Petition Against Mandatory Vaccinations At Stellenbosch University

1341 Created: 2021-10-02 Statistics

Parua Bay Skate Park

26 Created: 2021-10-02 Statistics

Should Auckland's Regional boarders be open in alert level 2 if i am vaccinated and have had a negative covid test

9 Created: 2021-09-30 Statistics

Petition to remove Hillary Barry from our air waves

1278 Created: 2021-09-30 Statistics