Most recent petitions in New Zealand
Petitions with at least 5 signatures are listed here. Learn more... |
Change Auckland City Council dog registration tags from plastic to metal.
165 Created: 2021-07-28 Statistics
Requesting MOE consider dual zoning for Selwyn College and Tamaki College, in north-western Glen Innes Auckland
112 Created: 2021-07-10 Statistics
No mandatory vaccinations of any kind for FIFO workers in WA.
1061 Created: 2021-07-02 Statistics
ජනතා පරමාධිපත්ය බලයේ වැදගත්ම අංගය වූ චන්ද බලය ජනාධිපති මැතිවරණයේදී වංචා කල මහින්ද දේශප්රිය නීතිය හමුවට පැමිණවීමට බල කරමු !
4083 Created: 2021-06-27 Statistics
Bike Maintenance Rack in Centennial Park
5 Created: 2021-06-21 Statistics
Wellsford Town Pavers a Health and Safety Hazard
67 Created: 2021-06-20 Statistics
Place The Speed Sign Coming Into Pirongia On Beechey ST Uphill
7 Created: 2021-06-16 Statistics
Mobile Homes are an affordable, durable, healthy, safe & attractive solution to housing needs in the Gisborne Region
205 Created: 2021-06-09 Statistics
Petition for the protection of the Vltavska metro station concrete cascades spot
2885 Created: 2021-06-06 Statistics
Restore School Board Democracy: A Call for the Resignation of Unelected Chair Terry Sage
80 Created: 2021-06-05 Statistics
Matai Moana, Mt Crawford, Stop the Sale
193 Created: 2021-05-31 Statistics
We do NOT want Nelson Council to proceed with the planned new library
108 Created: 2021-05-31 Statistics
Re-establishing the Waikiwi BMX Track
266 Created: 2021-05-17 Statistics
Open letter to UFG and all NZ flower growers
17 Created: 2021-05-17 Statistics
Kāpiti Council : please take appropriate measures to support safe driving on Ruapehu St.
108 Created: 2021-05-02 Statistics
Mandeville Path between McHughes and No. 10 Roads
247 Created: 2021-04-29 Statistics
Requesting MOE consider dual zoning for Selwyn College and Glendowie College in Remuera, St Johns Auckland
139 Created: 2021-04-16 Statistics
Requesting community support for the Borman road extension
526 Created: 2021-04-07 Statistics
Save Amy He 2021
6 Created: 2021-03-22 Statistics
We request that the Waipa District Council make provision in the upcoming 10 year plan document for a site/s to be identified and procured in preparation for when another bridge needs to be built.
9 Created: 2021-03-19 Statistics