Most recent petitions in New Zealand
Petitions with at least 5 signatures are listed here. Learn more... |
කෘෂිකර්මාන්තයට, සත්ව පාලනයට, මහජන සෞඛ්යයට හා පරිසරයට අහිතකර කාබනික පොහොර ආනයනය නතර කරන ලෙස ඉල්ලීම.
1453 Created: 2021-09-26 Statistics
Free Unison: To get the Hawke's Bay Power Consumer Trust to distribute Unison Networks Limited shares to power consumers.
39 Created: 2021-09-21 Statistics
Petition to Oppose Relocation for Rebuild Purposes of Existing Marae Development Plan,Te Kotahitanga Marae of Te Kotahitanga Maori Reservation Trust, Kaikohe.
30 Created: 2021-09-16 Statistics
Stop LGBTQ+ Hate Crimes!
40 Created: 2021-09-13 Statistics
New Zealand Flower Farmers deserve fairer treatment and consideration. Support contactless deliveries for cut flowers through level 3 and 4 Delta lockdown.
3653 Created: 2021-09-07 Statistics
My family is in Kabul Afghanistan need argent support to come to New Zealand
16 Created: 2021-09-06 Statistics
Raise your voice for Afghanistan
41 Created: 2021-09-05 Statistics
Move the school holidays forward
18 Created: 2021-09-03 Statistics
Keep our kids and pets safe on nile rd and surrounding roads
40 Created: 2021-09-01 Statistics
Objection to density of social housing at 675-681 Gladstone Road and 42 Mill Road
32 Created: 2021-08-30 Statistics
Change the Funeral rules for Alert Level 4
96 Created: 2021-08-29 Statistics
Tampere Disc Golf Center needs to be saved!
17842 Created: 2021-08-27 Statistics
No Vaccine Passports NZ
78 Created: 2021-08-11 Statistics
Hold Dr. Fauci accountable for lying about COVID-19
970 Created: 2021-08-10 Statistics
741 Created: 2021-08-06 Statistics
extension for assessment until 11:59pm Tuesday10/08/2021
27 Created: 2021-08-05 Statistics
Requesting MOE consider dual zoning for Selwyn College and Glendowie College for North Western Glen Innes and Wai O Taiki Bay Auckland
62 Created: 2021-08-01 Statistics
A Desperate Plea to Bring Me Back Home!
233 Created: 2021-08-01 Statistics
Stop The Vaccine Passport
2566 Created: 2021-07-30 Statistics
Mental Health, Learning Disorders and LGBTQIA+ Awareness In Primary to Secondary Schools
24 Created: 2021-07-29 Statistics