Most recent petitions in New Zealand

  • Country: New Zealand
  • Language: English

Widen Austin Road

68 Created: 2020-08-28 Statistics

Renew Louise Nicholas’ Funding

47 Created: 2020-08-23 Statistics

Remove team matches on Fall Guys

8 Created: 2020-08-19 Statistics

Demand that all Toy suppliers in NZ, remove Grooming Troll Dolls from Shelves and Online stores.

36 Created: 2020-08-18 Statistics

Improve the rural roads in Tairawhiti

52 Created: 2020-08-17 Statistics

Stop Torbay Vandals

72 Created: 2020-08-16 Statistics

Request for DOC to consider ideas on the future of Lake Otamangakau Fishery

88 Created: 2020-08-16 Statistics

State highway 35 users against the speed restrictions that come into force on the 8th September 2020.

212 Created: 2020-08-12 Statistics

Keep our kiwi right to sustainably harvest wild food

195 Created: 2020-08-11 Statistics

Change the 'Parkin Drawing Prize' to the 'Parkin Art Prize'

16 Created: 2020-08-10 Statistics

Ngati Rangiteaorere, Mataikotare Marae call for a Special General Meeting

49 Created: 2020-08-10 Statistics

Support for Mataikotare Rangatahi Marae Committee

46 Created: 2020-08-09 Statistics

Remove our waka MAMARU from the Mamaru Clinic title

68 Created: 2020-08-07 Statistics

New Plymouth Girls' High School Vape Policy

67 Created: 2020-08-06 Statistics


269 Created: 2020-08-03 Statistics

Save our Centre! Government funding essential to keep classes running for disabled children in Taranaki.

1334 Created: 2020-08-03 Statistics

NO! To Masks in Schools

772 Created: 2020-07-31 Statistics

Signatures needed for safe pedestrian crossing in Ngunguru!

289 Created: 2020-07-30 Statistics

Preserve the Eskdale Park in the Esk Valley Napier

911 Created: 2020-07-29 Statistics

Ban all mink farming in Latvia

14 Created: 2020-07-29 Statistics